Deputy of Science and Technology
The Deputy of Science and Technology is responsible for planning and policy-making in the field of study and research, design, compilation and approval of scientific-applied curricula and supplementary and specialized modules in the institute. Planning and performing the mentioned activities and tasks in this deputy through the organized connection of the sub-organizations of this deputy including managing studies and compiling course resources and specialized groups of fisheries and aquaculture, natural water and soil resources, veterinary medicine, animal sciences, horticulture, agricultural extension, conversion and complementary industries, planning and development of agriculture, engineering and agricultural machinery.

The Deputy of Science and Technology, using the scientific and technical potential of the two directors, ten specialized groups and the Agricultural Knowledge Network in the field of scientific and technical support for the offices, entrepreneurship center and staff management of the institute, planning and organizing studies and research, information technology and Information.

The duties of the Deputy of Science and Technology are as follows:
- Scientific and technical support of the activities of the deputies, offices, entrepreneurship center and managements of the institute headquarters with emphasis on the scientific and technical capacity of the agricultural knowledge network through specialized groups.
- Policy-making, planning and guidance of agricultural knowledge network (senior promoter researcher, specific researchers and promoters in charge of the area)
- Policy making, planning and organizing study and research activities of education and promotion.
- Planning and organizing the development of standards and educational topics.
- Planning and organizing the compilation of scientific content and resources.
- Planning and implementation of projects and plans to evaluate the effectiveness of educational and extension activities
- Supporting activities and evaluating the performance of faculty members and instructors.
- Policy making, planning and organizing IT activities and projects, organizing information activities and registration of scientific documents.
- Proposing the program and credit required by the deputy, performing referral and assignment tasks and submitting a report to the head of the institution.